It seems as though once fall season hits, the weather quickly gets cooler and cooler and your thoughts turn to getting things ready for the snowy winter months that will soon be here. Not much can top the feeling of sitting in front of a crackling fire on a snowy evening, perhaps watching a movie with the family or maybe even cheering on your favorite NFL or college football team. Whatever you choose to do to pass the hours, the constant is the comfort that a fire burning in the fireplace brings. If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your fireplace, now is the time to do so, before that colder weather hits in earnest!
Benefits of Wood Burning
When we think of burning a fire in the fireplace, traditionally we think of laying wood and getting it started, then adding wood throughout the evening to keep that fire going. For some people, there’s a feeling of satisfaction of going out and cutting down a tree, splitting the wood, stacking it just right so it cures properly, and making sure that there’s an adequate wood supply for the winter season. This is a relatively inexpensive source of fuel, especially if you know someone who wants to get rid of a tree, but even if you have to buy wood. It’s worth the work because of the sense of accomplishment, and if you aren’t laying the wood and starting the fire, it just doesn’t seem like you’re getting the authentic feel of burning. If you’re looking to upgrade your wood-burning fireplace, give The Stove Store a call and let us show you what we have that will turn your old wood-burning fireplace into a more modern, more efficient model that will give you comfort and warmth on the cold nights that are coming.
Benefits of Gas Logs
If, on the other hand, you’re tired of the work that it takes to get a wood-burning fire going, not to mention the work you have to do ahead of time to make sure you have the fuel necessary to burn, you might want to look into installing gas logs. Older gas-burning units were known for the weak, blue flame they emitted, but modern gas logs give you the look of a fire without the work! All it takes is the flip of a switch and you have a beautiful, snapping fire. Modern gas burning logs can be hooked up to a remote, so you won’t even have to leave the comfort of your couch to start the fire burning. And when you’re ready to turn in for the evening, just turn it off again. No waiting for the fire to burn down, no ashes to clean up, and no going out to the woodpile to get wood to add to the fire. Just relaxing in front of the fire with a glass of your favorite beverage, soaking in the comfort a fire offers.
Call The Stove Store
Whether you decide on traditional wood logs or the convenience of gas logs, the place to go is The Stove Store. We have everything you need to enjoy your fireplace during a snowy, Maryland winter.
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